Di instagram pribadinya, Felix kerap memberikan dukungannya saat Greysia bertanding.
Seperti ketika sang istri mencatat sejarah sebagai ganda putri pertama Indonesia yang melaju ke final bulutangkis Olimpiade Tokyo 2020, Felix mengunggah kebanggaannya di instagram story.
"Praise be to God. All by His grace.
Pround of you wifey," tulis Felix sambil memention akun instagram Greysia Polii, Apriyani Rahayu dan pelatih Eng Hian.
Pun ketika Greysia dan Apriyani memenangkan gelar super 1000 kali pertamanya di Thailand Januari 2021.
Felix menuliskan kebanggaannya pada yang istri.
"Congrats babe @greyspolii and @r.apriyanig for winning the first super 1000 title for Indonesia’s Women Double.
Despite all the hardships, we want to testify that God is good :’)
“but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you (My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available - regardless of the situation); for (My) power is being perfected (and is completed and shows itself most effectively) in (your) weakness...”2 Corinthians 12:9 AMP
I am proud of you..".